User Agreement
The following describes the terms and conditions applicable to your registration with and use of the Model Horse Connection (MHC), a web site Service.
Terms & Conditions
The Model Horse Connection (MHC) acts as a conduit of information, for Vendors to list items and Shoppers to locate items for purchase. The MHC is not involved in the actual transaction between Vendors and Shoppers, and as a result, has no control over the quality, safety or legality of the items advertised, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of Vendors to sell items or the ability of Shoppers to buy items.
As the MHC does not have any control over transactions that occur as a result of this site, this site cannot ensure that a Shopper or a Vendor you are dealing with will actually complete the transaction. You are encouraged to report all user-to-user disputes to your local law enforcement, postmaster general, or a certified mediation or arbitration entity.
Because this site is not involved in the actual transaction between Shoppers and Vendors, in the event that you have a dispute with one or more users, you release the MHC and its owner from any and all claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.
You agree to indemnify and hold the MHC and its owner harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement or the documents it incorporates by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.
MHC services are provided "as is", without warranty, and with no guarantee of continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to the service. In the event of site outages or downtime, the MHC owner will make reasonable efforts to return functionality as soon as possible, but will not be liable for any lost sales opportunities incurred due to or in connection with this web site.
Ad Topics
This is a MODEL HORSE site - ads should pertain to MODEL HORSES only except as defined below:
Model Horses
What is acceptable?
- Realistic equine figurines or sculptures, whether mass-produced or one-of-a-kind
** This does not imply that just any Horse Shaped Object is acceptable - items should be realistic in color and shape, or considered of a collectible nature within the model horse hobby (i.e. weird-colored decorator Breyers/Stones). - Realistic animal figurines that could be used as props for model horse showing or scenes/dioramas
- Model horse manufacturer memorabilia (i.e. Breyer buttons, mugs, etc.)
- Supplies or paraphernalia related to showing or customizing model horses (i.e. tackmaking supplies, airbrushes, etc.)
- Equine media (books, magazines, videos, etc.) that may be used as reference material for collecting, customizing, or showing model horses (NO fiction)
- Personal or public messages to other hobbyists are ONLY allowed if they are neutral in nature and of interest to a wide audience (i.e. "My hard drive crashed and I lost everything, please email me if we were in the middle of a transaction" or "Trying to get in touch with Susie Creamcheese")
What is not?
- Unrealistic equine figurines, including "Horse Shaped Objects" (HSOs) such as:
- Barbie horses
- Thelwells
- My Little Pony
- General horse-y themed items (including horse artwork, jewelry, etc.)
- Glassware & collector plates
- Plush/stuffed animals (excepting Breyer's plush line)
- Fiction, and any other literature/media not relevant to collecting, showing, or creating model horses
- Real horse ANYTHING (i.e. saddles, blankets, show clothes, actual horses, etc.)
- Non-equine items (excepting animal figurines usable as props)
- Fur, skins, or other dead animal products (except leather for tackmaking)
- Trade ads that offer or seek off-topic items in exchange for model horses (i.e. "will trade designer clothes for Breyers" or "have these Stone horses, want to trade them for jewelry")
- Anything in violation of applicable laws and therefore illegal (i.e. unauthorized copies of VARA-protected/copyrighted sculptures)
- Messages:
- That are negative or offensive by nature - including but not limited to: flames, inappropriate language, personal attacks, ANY information about a bad transaction (these posts open the site owner up to legal liability for slander or libel suits and won't be tolerated)
- Announcing personal info not relevant to the public at large (i.e. "I will be offline for 2 weeks" or "Susan, Jenny, and Michelle, your items have been shipped" - this information is ONLY relevant to a few people so please don't waste everyone's time with your personal business)
- That are better suited to hobby forums or discussion boards/lists (i.e. opinion posts, rants, etc.)
- Asking Shoppers to "please check out my ads" - that's why they're here already, so your ad is simply redundant and "spammy"
When in doubt, please use common sense and ask yourself if your intended ad has anything to do with the "Model Horse Hobby". As a rule of thumb, you should compare your item's similarity to a Breyer model horse (considered to be the origin of the model horse hobby). If you are still not sure, just ask - there are always "grey areas", or topics that simply haven't yet been addressed by the rules above.
Additionally, unless created by a major model horse manufacturer (i.e. Breyer), if it has horns/wings, molded on tack or a rider, or is not an equine, it does not belong in the Model Horses section (but might be a Collectible Critter).
- Realistic equine figurines or sculptures, whether mass-produced or one-of-a-kind
Hobby Artist Giftware
- Bas-relief or 3D realistic equine resin or ceramic works produced by our own *model horse hobby artisans* for hobby purposes (i.e. medallions or plaques sculpted for show awards, pins, busts)
- This does not include busts created by non-hobby artists or 2D flat art
Collectible Critters
- 3D, full-body, realistic animal sculptures
- Equines that do not fit the Model Horses criteria above (i.e. not realistic, has molded on tack or rider, etc.)
- Fantasy creatures, including unicorns, pegasi, dragons, etc.
All ads must be listed in an appropriate category. The MHC Admin reserves the right to reassign ads to the appropriate category if incorrect, and to delete inappropriate ads without warning.
Photos & Images
Ad photos MUST accurately reflect the ad content - please review the Ad Topics section of the User Agreement for a list of acceptable items. Photos of non-model related items (i.e. scenery shots) used to create visibility within the Gallery will be removed. Photos should represent the actual item listed for sale.
Any photos posted with an ad must belong to you or be taken by you, or else you have obtained permission to use someone else's photos. For example, pulling a photo from a model horse manufacturer's site for use in a Wanted ad is NOT okay - this is copyright violation! You may include an HTML link to a photo on someone else's site in your ad Description, if you have permission from the owner, or if it is used only for viewing reference with proper accreditation (i.e. "To view a similar model on Breyer's web site, click here.")
What is acceptable?
- Photos of the actual items that the ad is about (must fall within the list of acceptable items in the Ad Topics section of the User Agreement and must be model horse related).
- Photos of real horses ONLY if they are relevant to model horses (i.e. "Seeking artist to create custom model of my horse, as shown in photo").
What is not?
- Photos of items that fall within the list of UNacceptable items in the Ad Topics section of the User Agreement.
- Photos of scenery or people or pets or any other personal shot used to spam the Gallery.
- Photos of real horses that have nothing to do with model horses or acceptable ad topics.
- Photos of your sick pet that you are trying to raise funds for.
- Photos that you as the Vendor did not take, and have not obtained permission for use.
Photo images must adhere to the file formats, sizes, and dimensions specified in the photo upload instructions. Size restrictions on image files are to keep this site manageable (and so the site owner does not incur charges for exceeding the ISP account limits!).
The MHC Admin reserves the right to remove inappropriate photos without notice.
Ads are NOT to be posted repeatedly to keep them at the top of the listings. This unfair practice bumps other Vendors' ads down farther, and annoys Shoppers who do not wish to view the same ads repeated over and over again. You should post your ad ONCE, and if the item has not sold by the ad expiration, then it is acceptable to repost/renew. The minimum ad duration is one week (and that one week period is primarily intended for Auction ads) - if ads are being repeated within a one week period, they may be deleted.
Usage & Fees
The MHC offers a variety of account types to best meet your needs.
- Shetland Pony (Basic)
The Shetland Pony account is the "basic" MHC account - it does not expire, and is FREE. See the Account Comparison Grid below for more details.
- Haflinger (Deluxe)
For a small fee, Vendors sign up for a 2 month subscription targeted towards those who only need to sell a few models. Features included in the Haflinger account include those of the Shetland Pony account, with add-ons such as photo uploading and custom logos. See the Account Comparison Grid below for more features.
- Quarter Horse (Super)
For a small fee, Vendors sign up for half-year or full year subscriptions. Features included in the Quarter Horse account include those of the Haflinger account, with longer subscription terms and more concurrent ads. See the Account Comparison Grid below for more details.
- Clydesdale (Premium)
The Clydesdale account expands upon the Quarter Horse account features, allowing a higher number of ads, and more photos per ad (20!). This account type may also help with beta testing new MHC features.
Account Comparison Grid
The following
list is a comparison of available features for each account type:
Feature | Shetland Pony | Haflinger | Quarter Horse | Clydesdale |
Custom Formatting | ![]() |
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Ad Counters | ![]() |
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Ad Statistics | ![]() |
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Ad Renewals | ![]() |
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Integrated PayPal | ![]() |
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Text Ads | ![]() |
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Photo Linking (via HTML) | ![]() |
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Vendor Logo | ![]() |
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Photo Uploading (Gallery) | ![]() |
2/ad | 2/ad | 25/ad |
Max. Concurrent Ads * | 10 | 10 | 50 | 500 |
Fees ** | FREE | $2.50 / 2 mos. | $6 / 6 mos. $10 / 1 yr. |
$25 / 1 yr. |
* Maximum # concurrent ads refers to the number of simultaneous ads that are
allowed on the account at any one time. The total number of ads
allowed over the duration of the subscription is unlimited.
** Fees subject to
Refunds will be given for
paid subscriptions if no ads have been placed and the request is made within a 30 day
Your Information
"Your Information" is defined as any information you provide to us or other users in the registration with and use of the MHC. You are solely responsible for Your Information, as the MHC acts as a passive conduit for your online distribution and publication of Your Information.
Your Information and your activities through this Service shall not:
- be false, inaccurate or misleading;
- be fraudulent or involve the sale of counterfeit or stolen items;
- infringe on any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other property rights or rights of publicity or privacy (please note the secion on PHOTOS for specific details);
- violate any law, statute, ordinance, contract or regulation (including, but not limited to, those governing false advertising);
- be defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing;
- be obscene or contain pornography;
- contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, easter eggs or other computer programming routines that may damage or detrimentally interfere with any system, data or other personal information; and
- create liability for this site or cause the owner to lose (in whole or in part) the services of her ISP.
Only one Vendor account may be established per person. The use of aliases to maintain multiple accounts is not permitted.
Posting ads for non-members is not permitted, unless you as the registered Vendor are one of the parties directly involved in the transaction (for example, acting as a distributor of an artist's resins).
Your full Name, Email address, and complete, valid mailing Address are required - all other requested information is optional.
Full, complete names must be provided - initials are not sufficient. With the reality of fraud on the internet, Shoppers are not likely to respond to ads where they do not know who they are dealing with. Additionally, the MHC owner is unable to assist in the event of a dispute, if a Vendor is only known as "Suzie", or "Pretty Horse Stable".
Accounts with invalid email addresses may be terminated - if a Shopper is unable to contact you, your ad is forfeit.
Complete contact information is required. PLEASE NOTE: You can elect to "hide" your address from full online display under your Preferences settings after you log in.
Privacy Policy
- The MHC does not give, sell, rent, loan, or lease your information to third parties. It is primarily intended for use as a point of contact for model transactions within this site.
- The MHC uses the information collected to provide the services you request. These services may include the display of personalized content and advertising.
- The MHC may on occasion (rarely) use your information to inform you of other products or services offered by the MHC, and to send you relevant survey invitations related to these services.
The MHC is best viewed in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, but should function adequately in IE 8.0+, Firefox, and Safari, as well.
Functionality within other/older browsers is NOT guaranteed.
This site also requires that JavaScript be enabled, as it leverages many of the capabilities in modern browsers to provide the best possible experience.
The MHC relies on the use of cookies. Cookies are generated when you browse the internet, and are stored on your computer. Session cookies are used and kept only during the current login session, and are necessary for the MHC to function appropriately. Once you log out or close your browser, these session cookies expire and no longer have any effect. Other cookies may be stored for a longer term in order to enhance your experience while visiting the site.
The MHC is Copyright protected. This means that you may not copy any portion of the interface, source code, or images for any reason, without express permission from the owner of the site and/or the owners of the ad contents.
Account Termination
You may close your account at any time by contacting the MHC site owner (email contact link provided in the footer of any page within the site). Upon closure of an account, any active ads will be deleted. If you do not access your account for over a year, it may be terminated to conserve database resources.
Violations & Fraud
Without limiting other remedies, violations of this User Agreement will result in a warning, account suspension, and/or account termination. If three or more valid complaints are received, or you repeatedly misuse/abuse the intent of this site, your account will be terminated and you will be banned from any further vending activity on this site.
The MHC may suspend or terminate your account if you are found (by conviction, settlement, insurance or escrow investigation, or otherwise) to have engaged in fraudulent activity in connection with this site.
Legal Compliance
You shall comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations regarding your use of this service and your listing, solicitation of offers to purchase, and sale of items.
The Model Horse Connection (MHC) acts as a conduit of information, for Vendors to list items and Shoppers to locate items for purchase. The MHC is not involved in the actual transaction between Vendors and Shoppers, and as a result, has no control over the quality, safety or legality of the items advertised, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of Vendors to sell items or the ability of Shoppers to buy items. This site cannot ensure that a Shopper or Vendor you are dealing with will actually complete a transaction.
The MHC is not responsible for any sales transactions or contact occurring in part or in full as a result of this site. You are encouraged to report all user-to-user disputes to your local law enforcement, postmaster general, or a certified mediation or arbitration entity.
Vendors, you are responsible for listing your items accurately, and shipping items in a timely manner. If valid complaints are received, you may be banned from any further vending activity within this site. Vending on this web site implies acceptance of the User Agreement.
Shoppers, you are responsible for "knowing" your Vendor - take advantage of the eBay feedback link (if provided), join MHHR or Blab, and/or ask for references if you are unsure about a Vendor. Because user verification on the Internet is difficult, the MHC cannot and does not guarantee any Vendor's identity. Additionally, as this site does not control the information provided by Vendors, you may find information that is offensive, harmful, inaccurate, or deceptive. Please use caution, common sense, and practice safe trading when using this site, and be aware that there are risks of dealing with underage persons or people acting under false pretenses.
This agreement may be amended at any time, and will be available for viewing on the MHC site. You are encouraged to review this statement periodically to remain informed of the requirements. Continued use of this site implies your consent to this User Agreement.
Last update: