Welcome to the Model Horse Connection!

Welcome to the new Model Horse Connection, formerly known as the Model Horse Sales Pages, a.k.a. MH$P. It's been 15+ years since the last major site re-design, and we were long overdue for some upgrades. Unfortunately the ransomware attack on the old server prematurely hastened the launch of this site, so many of the new features that I'd hoped to introduce at launch are missing. But we do have:

  • improved flexibility to work better with phones and tablets
  • improved security upgrades to guard against future attacks & hacks, with security monitoring software checking daily for vulnerabilities
  • a new email service with HOPEFULLY improved reliability after years of sketchy email service on the MH$P server

That being said, the rushed rollout of this site means that THAR WILL BE BUGS! Use of this site means that you accept the possibility of a little wonky behavior due to the inability to complete the usual finetuning and testing before launch. I believe the main parts of the site are functional, and wanted to get it back to you guys ASAP. I figured you'd be able to tolerate the bumpy ride while I fix bugs on the weekends (I work overtime at my day job during the week). Your patience is greatly appreciated!

Be sure to update your bookmarks/favorites/links to the new URL: https://modelhorseconnection.com/

I hope you enjoy the facelift, and I hope to bring many more improvements in the months to come. As always, please let me know if you have any problems using the site.

Carrie Sapp
MH$P MHC Admin / Owner / Designer / Developer / Server & Cloud Engineer  :^)

The MHC serves the model horse hobby in its favorite pasttime - horse trading!

To shop:
To sell your stuff:

This site assumes basic familiarity with the model horse hobby. For more background info, visit some of the other sites listed at Model Horse Central, or for help identifying/pricing your collection, try these resources.