Welcome to the Model Horse Connection!
Welcome to the new Model Horse Connection, formerly known as the Model Horse Sales Pages, a.k.a. MH$P. It's been 15+ years since the last major site re-design, and we were long overdue for some upgrades. Unfortunately the ransomware attack on the old server prematurely hastened the launch of this site, so many of the new features that I'd hoped to introduce at launch are missing. But we do have:
- improved flexibility to work better with phones and tablets
- improved security upgrades to guard against future attacks & hacks, with security monitoring software checking daily for vulnerabilities
- a new email service with HOPEFULLY improved reliability after years of sketchy email service on the MH$P server
That being said, the rushed rollout of this site means that THAR WILL BE BUGS! Use of this site means that you accept the possibility of a little wonky behavior due to the inability to complete the usual finetuning and testing before launch. I believe the main parts of the site are functional, and wanted to get it back to you guys ASAP. I figured you'd be able to tolerate the bumpy ride while I fix bugs on the weekends (I work overtime at my day job during the week). Your patience is greatly appreciated!
Be sure to update your bookmarks/favorites/links to the new URL: https://modelhorseconnection.com/
I hope you enjoy the facelift, and I hope to bring many more improvements in the months to come. As always, please let me know if you have any problems using the site.
Carrie Sapp
MH$P MHC Admin / Owner / Designer / Developer / Server & Cloud Engineer :^)
The MHC serves the model horse hobby in its favorite pasttime - horse trading!
This site assumes basic familiarity with the model horse hobby. For more background info, visit some of the other sites listed at Model Horse Central, or for help identifying/pricing your collection, try these resources.
Need to sell some model horses?
Need somewhere to post photos of sales items?
Need a sales web site and don't want to learn HTML?
Or pay expensive fees for web site hosting?
Or deal with ads or other limitations of free web hosts?
Need more visibility for your sales ads?
If yes, give the Model Horse Connection a try!
- FREE! The basic account allows you to post up to 10 text ads at a time, updated as often as you like. (Expanded account types are also available.)
- Fast & Easy Designed by a collector, for collectors.
- Reliable We have our own server, with full control over administrative functions.
- Customizable Add your own logo, choose your color scheme, even include HTML in your ads.
- Established In existence since 1996, this site is THE go-to place for model horse shopping!
Sign up now!
The MHC is best viewed in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or
Edge, but should function adequately in IE 8.0+, Firefox, and Safari,
as well.
Functionality within other/older browsers is NOT guaranteed.
This site also requires that JavaScript be enabled, as it leverages many of the capabilities
in modern browsers to provide the best possible experience.
The MHC relies on the use of cookies. Cookies are generated when you browse
the internet, and are stored on your computer. Session cookies are used and kept only during
the current login session, and are necessary for the MHC to function appropriately. Once you
log out or close your browser, these session cookies expire and no longer have any effect.
Other cookies may be stored for a longer term in order to enhance your experience while
visiting the site.
The Model Horse Connection (MHC) acts as a conduit of information, for Vendors to list
items and Shoppers to locate items for purchase. The MHC is not involved in the actual
transaction between Vendors and Shoppers, and as a result, has no control over the quality,
safety or legality of the items advertised, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of
Vendors to sell items or the ability of Shoppers to buy items. This site cannot ensure that a
Shopper or Vendor you are dealing with will actually complete a transaction.
The MHC is not responsible for any sales transactions or contact
occurring in part or in full as a result of this site. You are encouraged to report all user-to-user
disputes to your local law enforcement, postmaster general, or a certified mediation or
arbitration entity.
Vendors, you are responsible for listing your items accurately, and shipping items in a
timely manner. If valid complaints are received, you may be banned from any further vending
activity within this site. Vending on this web site implies acceptance of the User Agreement.
Shoppers, you are responsible for "knowing" your Vendor - take advantage of the eBay feedback link (if
provided), join
MHHR or Blab, and/or ask for references if you are unsure
about a Vendor. Because user verification on the Internet is difficult, the MHC cannot and does
not guarantee any Vendor's identity. Additionally, as this site does not control the information
provided by Vendors, you may find information that is offensive, harmful, inaccurate, or
deceptive. Please use caution, common sense, and practice safe trading when using this site,
and be aware that there are risks of dealing with underage persons or people acting under
false pretenses.